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Providing Everything You Need

A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg
A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg



An Uncontested Divorce occurs when (a) there are no disagreements between you and your spouse over any financial or divorce-related issues (i.e., support or division of assets) and (b) both parties agree to divorce, or the defendant fails to appear in the divorce action.  

A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg


A Contested Divorce is a legal process in which the parties cannot agree on certain issues such as property division, child custody and support. Decisions on key matters are made by the Supreme Court in the County where the divorce is filed unless an agreement is negotiated by the attorneys and parties prior to the consultation of your case. 

A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg
A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg
A simple logo that uses the words divorce law  and is colorful .jpg


Divorce Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties to help them reach a mutually acceptable agreement  on issues related to their divorce, such as property division, child custody and alimony.  Mediation is typically less formal and less adversarial than a contested divorce, and it allows the parties to have more control over the outcome of their divorce. Mediation is less expensive and quicker than a contested divorce. 

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